I think everyone is missing the point about this war of the words between Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump.
Last week as owner of the Miss USA pageant, Trump gave Miss USA a second chance after she was caught drinking under age. For those of you who missed it, the controversy went something like this...
Rosie on The View: Trump "left his first wife -- had an affair. Left the second wife -- had an affair. But he's the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America? Donald, sit and spin, my friend."
Then she flipped her hair over to mock his famous comb-over hairstyle.
Donald retorted during several interviews with: "Rosie's a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. What moral compass does she have? I mean just take a look at her, take a look at that face. I mean, can you imagine her poor girlfriend having to kiss that every night? You can have her. You'd better be careful or I'll send one of my friends to take your girlfriend! I imagine it would be pretty easy to take her girlfriend away, considering how Rosie looks."
He also called her a "fat slob" and "despicable."
Okay, now it's my turn.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Rose O'Donnell a comediene and a talk show host? Like...um...Jay Leno, David Letterman and Conan O'Brien? They've certainly made disparaging remarks about EVERYONE including The President and Donald Trump in the name of comedy. But Trump didn't start discussing THEIR appearance.
I mean, come on! Jay Leno has a chin like The Man in the Moon and Letterman is an Alfred J. Newman look alike. O'Brien's Night of the Living Giant Red-Head appearance is downright spooky. But did Trump talk about how ugly they are and threaten to sleep with their wives when they made jokes about him?
No he didn't.
So why is it okay to talk about Rosie's appearance? Because she's a woman? Because she's a lesbian? Because she's not Miss USA?
A couple of weeks ago Rosie was accused of perpetuating racism and descimination when she told a joke using a Chinese accent...even though she was talking about people in China. Outrage in the Asian-American community against O'Donnell has been growing, and a New York city councilman explained that it is not a trivial matter.
Give me a break, Mr. councilman. What about the people like Donald Trump who are perpetuating the last acceptable descrimination against obesity.
Why isn't anyone (besides me) outraged about that?