Mar 2, 2005

At the ripe old age of 42 she'd never...

Here's another exercise we completed in my critique group. It always amazes me how diverse everyone's imagination is.

"It didn't seem fair to Susan that, at the ripe old age of 42, she'd never...

Complete the paragraph in the comments section.

I've already included mine there.


Karyn Lyndon said...

It didn't seem fair to Susan that, at the ripe old age of 42, she'd never had sex. Well, not with a man, anyway. There was that one time. At the nubile age of 13 things had gotten out of hand with Paula (who she later found out was a card-carrying, earth-shoe wearing lesbian.) And alhtough she'd felt the most astonishing sensations at her best freind's touch, she hadn't questioned her own sexuality at the time. Because while they'd been exploring each other's bodies, she'd imagined Paula was James Bond (the Sean Connery version.)

And now, here she was 29 years later, headed back to her hotel room with a man who looked a lot like Sean Connery. (Not the 007 version, but what he looks like now, complete with closely cropped white beard and piercing brown eyes.) She wondered as she slipped the card key into the door, breathing in his heady cologne and feeling his intense body heat behind her, when and if she should disclose her virgin status.

thewriterslife said...

It didn't seem fair to Susan that, at the ripe old age of 42, she'd never gotten to the middle of the Tootsie Pop. Her brother urged her on...her mother stood by patiently and the whole town was on the edge of their seats whenever she had one in her hand. Woefully, no matter how many licks she took, she always said to hell with it and chucked it at the dog instead. To this day, Susan has yet to get to the middle of the Tootsie Pop and the moral of the story? Keep things out of your mouth that takes too much trouble to get.

Karyn Lyndon said...


I really appreciate you playing along with my writing games. Not sure about the rating of your post, though. We may have to give it an X (like mine) for one too many references to licking and putting things in your!