Heavy sigh. It's Saturday night and I should be writing my WIP. Instead I feel compelled to blog. (Is blog a verb now?) The guy who invented the word (derived from web log) said he liked the way it actually sounded like throwing up. The word does work considering the amount of regurgitation that goes on at these blog sites.
Speaking of blaaaahgs...I don't really have anything to say except my jaw hurts where I had my tooth crowned and it's giving me a headache on that side. Why is it when you have something fixed, it hurts worse? (said like Andy Rooney on 60 minutes.) We seem to outlive our teeth by 20 or 30 years. Maybe when our teeth start to go they should just shoot us like horses. (Boy, I must be really depressed.)
It's a full moon tonight. That does weird things to people. The editor may be reading my manuscript this weekend...not that I'm saying I think a full moon might make her crazy or anything. Maybe I'll know something next week. Sometimes I like having the "possibility" of being published hanging over me. But lately, I almost wish my life would go back to normal. I mean, it wasn't a bad life. I was relatively happy. But now, knowing how long and hard I've worked...and how it could all be for nothing. What really hurts is being so very close...
Why is it so tough to wait for something we really want? Keep telling yourself, "Thinking about it and worrying about it won't help. The book will either sell or not."
That's what I do.
No, it doesn't work for me either. Darn it.
Thanks for the advice, John. However, I think that's the problem...I don't know WHAT to think. How do I let my brain run on idle when the "my book might get published" adreneline kicks my heart rate up and every nerve ending is raw with anticipation? I'm reminded of something Archie Bunker said...Patience is a Virgin. Obviously I ran out of patience a looooooong time ago.
: )
You have a good point, Katy. I think we need to go out for frozen Belinis...
Thank you, Devon. Soulmate, huh? Fortunately I already have an agent. But I do know that the editor instrumental in getting my book published will have my undying love...lol.
Yes, please add me to your site and I'll do the same!
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