Dec 4, 2005

'Tis The Season For Multi-Tasking

Fa la la la la la la. social calendar has kept me way too busy to post regularly..not that I'm complaining. But the phrase, "The behinder I am the hurrieder I get" applies to me lately. Last night I went to a holiday party for my division at my bosses' house. We were supposed to bring a dessert and two white elephant gifts (my apologies for any slur to elephants...none is intended.). Since I had a holiday brunch starting at 8 a.m. Saturday morning for my Romance Authors organization and then had to have a nap to recover from eating that much that early, I forgot about bringing stuff to the party.

So at 7:15 that night we were dishing banana pudding from a local bar-be-que place into one of my Tupperware containers and crumpling dollar bills into gift bags--all in the car on the way to the party. It was fun...if you like stress.

Today I had a family brunch and my monthly critique group and managed to squeeze in another nap. While I was at my group, the rest of the family had an assignment to put up the tree. See below...

IMG_0074 this is last year's picture but the tree looks exactly like that, except there aren't any presents under it yet.

Maybe I can shop and wrap presents in the car on the way to the next party.


Duke_of_Earle said...

I can relate! Last night was my company's annual Christmas party. All I had to bring were the 25 dozen Christmas cookies I was supposed to pick up at the bakery on Saturday afternoon. I spent all day Saturday worrying about those stupid cookies -- that I would froget to pick them up before the bakery closed, and we'd have no cookies for the party.

But no! I picked them up with time to spare. Put the containers on the dining room table. Then promptly forgot them when time came to leave for the party!

ANOTHER "senior moment?"

OH, and speaking of pig Latin (your comment on my blog) did it ever occur to you that the pig Latin word for "trash" is "ash tray." Appropriate, no?


Nankin said...

Karyn, think your kids would come help with my tree? It's too big for me to even get down from the attic.

thewriterslife said...

That house is beautiful! Is it yours? Looks like my dream house!

Karyn Lyndon said...

John, I must admit I'd never pondered what trash is in pig Latin...learn something new every day. BTW...I can't believe Carol doesn't bake!!!

Nankin, my daughter would be glad to help with the tree (for a small fee). She is a dance teacher which makes her agile enough to crawl around in an attic and she's looking for odd jobs to supplement the fact that she doesn't get paid for the holidays.

Dorothy, yes...that's my house...the one I wrote the poem about...the one I'm moving from...hold on...I'm feeling amongst yourselves...

Duke_of_Earle said...


Re: getting paid to write poems at work.

Yeah, you know what they say. It's a tough job, but...
